Electronic switch
Inside DPSI dual power supplies, fail-safe electronic switches with self-holding circuits are used. Depending on the DPSI dual power supply, the electronic switches are switched either with an external switch actuator or with a magnet directly at the housing.
The advantage of electronic switches in comparison to mechanical switches is the high degree of reliability. For example, vibrations can not affect the on and off operation.
DPSI power supplies with external switch actuator
The electronic switches inside these DPSI power supplies are switched with an external switch actuator.
- DPSI Mini series
- DPSI 2001 RV
- DPSI RV (2010)
- DPSI 2018
- DPSI 2018 Duplex Edition
- DPSI Ampere (optionally)
DPSI power supplies with internal switch actuator
The electronic switches inside these power supplies are switched with an internal switch actuator directly at the housing.